Storefront Door Issues That Require A Replacement

If you have your own retail store and have double storefront doors that lead into your establishment, then you may need to have these doors replaced at some point. There are many reasons why you may want to replace the doors, and there are a few obvious signs that a replacement is required. Keep reading to learn about a few of these signs. 

Warped Door

Many people will choose to purchase low-cost storefront doors that are hollow metal varieties. While these doors are a great deal cheaper than solid metal ones, they are prone to certain issues. For example, if your store is east-facing and direct sunlight hits it during the hottest part of the day, then the metal is likely to start warping. The warping causes a curvature along the sides of the door and this curvature will often even out when the sun goes down. 

However, the warping will become a permanent issue over time and your patrons may be unable to fully open or close your doors. You may even be unable to lock your storefront door as the main jamb starts to warp a little too much.

Warped doors do need to be replaced and it is wise to do so when you first start noticing an issue and before the warping becomes permanent. Make sure to opt for solid metal doors that are warp-resistant. Others that are filled with an epoxy material to structurally support the door are an option as well if you do not want to purchase the more expensive solid metal varieties.

Closing Issues

If you have storefront doors that will not close or open, then this is a serious issue when it comes to safety and customer traffic in an out of your business. And while some closing issues are quite simple, there are often several different repair issues that contribute to the issue. A few examples include damage to the door itself and the inability of the jamb to sit flush with the threshold. Also, hinges and other hardware may be broken or worn out. The latch may not fit with the switchplate any longer and the locking mechanism may be damaged.

If there are multiple issues with the door or if a repair person simply cannot figure out what is wrong with it, then it is time to start thinking about replacing the door entirely. 

If you want to know more about storefront doors and the types of issues and situations that should lead you to find a replacement door, speak with a storefront door installation contractor. 
