6 Problems A Door Repair Service Can Fix

Doors are a necessary part of any building, and you probably don't even notice them when they are quietly doing their job, but when your door is broken in some way, it's hard to ignore. Here are 6 things that a door repair service can fix for you so that your door goes back to functioning quietly in the background, and you can get back to thinking about more important things than how to walk from one room to another. 

1. Jammed Door

A jammed door can be one of the most annoying problems with a door. You might have developed some trick to jiggle loose your jammed door, but some jammed doors simply don't come unstuck without professional help. You can call in a door repair service to loosen a door. Depending on the problem, they might tighten up or replace hinges, or they could even sand down a wooden door to fit neatly in the frame. 

2. Broken Handle 

A broken door handle can be a big problem. You might not be able to open a door with a busted handle, or you might not be able to get a door to stay shut. A door repair service can quickly fix or replace a door handle with a similar model that matches the door and the style of your home. 

3. Broken Frame 

A broken door frame can spell trouble. With a broken frame, most doors won't shut and may hang open or even fall off the frame at an angle. A door repair service can rebuild or repair a door frame so that your door hangs snugly in place and opens and shuts without a problem. 

4. Gap 

If you have a gap under your door, you have likely dealt with unwanted drafts. A gap under a door can easily be fixed when you call a repair service. They will probably build out the frame and rehang the door or add weather stripping. 

5. Malfunctioning Lock 

A malfunctioning lock on a door is cause not only for exasperation, but it can also be cause for concern over safety if it happens to be an outside-facing door. If you want to feel secure in your home again, you should call a repair service as soon as possible to fix or replace the lock. 

6. Cracks 

An old wooden door is prone to cracking, and this can cause drafts and privacy issues that you, no doubt, don't want to deal with. A door repair service can fill in cracks or replace the whole door for you so you can have a solid, sturdy door again.

For more information, contact a company like AM PM Door Service.
